Register today for the 2011 Annual Meeting!

Develop strategies for building leadership, enhancing your network, and improving your career. The conference is ideal for managers, executives, students and industry leaders to:

  • Learn from renowned speakers, such as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Tony Hsieh
  • Hear firsthand how a diverse group of leaders are achieving success in government awareness
  • Connect with colleagues who are facing similar challenges in government reform and regulations
  • Work with facilitators to develop a specific plan to take back to your colleagues
  • Discover new products and services from exhibitors who offer tailored solutions for your challenges

Your team will leave rejuvenated and motivated to achieve the goals you set for improving your career.


Steve Jobs Announced As Keynote Speaker

Apple CEO Steve Jobs will speak at the Keynote Breakfast on Monday morning. 1984 saw the introduction of the Macintosh, the first commercially successful computer with a graphical user interface. The development of the Mac was started by Jef Raskin, and the team was inspired by technology that had been developed at Xerox PARC, but not yet commercialized. Apple had paid a fee for use of the PARC technology. The success of the Macintosh led Apple to abandon the Apple II in favor of the Mac product line, which continues to this day.

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